New Initiative for Collaboration in Infection Medicine
Infect@LU – a new initiative for collaboration in infection, immunity, and microbiology – was launched in September this year. The ambition is to be a nationally leading network in:
• Understanding how infectious diseases function, spread, and impact society
• Diagnosing and treating infectious diseases
• Microbial pathogenesis, antimicrobial resistance, and alternative treatments of microbes
The idea behind Infect@LU is to create a meeting platform for researchers active in infection, immunity, and microbiology at Lund University and within Region Skåne. The goal is to work together on different thematic areas such as antimicrobial resistance, drug development and biotechnology, epidemiology, global health, immune response, and vaccines.
Through coordinated efforts in so-called 'thematic networks,' opportunities for research, recruitment, and the translation of findings to societal benefit will be optimized. Each thematic network is led by a principal investigator, who meet regularly.
Pontus Nordenfelt, associate professor in infection medicine, is the scientific coordinator for Infect@LU.
You recently held a hearing and kick-off for the initiative. What has the response been so far?
There has been a great response! Only positive comments about the initiative and more than 50 research groups have signed up for initial network meetings.
What are the next steps for the initiative?
We are holding startup meetings for the different networks during October and November. So far, we have had time to meet with the group leaders interested in the Sepsis and invasive infections network, which has now officially been formed, with more to come in the coming weeks
Is it open for anyone to join?
Yes! We will promote the networks once all are formed and then urge anyone interested to join. The whole idea is based on interest in particular themes, and that will be the motivating factor to join a network.
More about the initiative here:
Infect@LU on LinkedIn